LuxAlgo's YouTube

YouTube banned LuxAlgo's account

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 6 Oct 2024

     The YouTube account of software entrepreneurs LuxAlgo has been shut down, making it difficult to promote their videos.

Source: LuxAlgo


Why YouTube Banned LuxAlgo?

     The question is, Why would YouTube close LuxAlgo's account? LuxAlgo creates tutorials for their tools designed for traders. There might be something we are missing, or there is something YouTube missed.


YouTube to unban LuxAlgo?

     Whatever the case, YouTube's action on LuxAlgo's account is objected in the cryptoverse. I also understand that if YouTube can impose such a ban on an enormous company like LuxAlgo, it will make life difficult for tiny freelance YouTubers.


Finding Alternatives is the Help

     LuxAlgo has asked for help on social media, and many are tagging YouTube and demanding that the account be unbanned. People, in my opinion, should also consider alternate solutions. Even X has added the video service. YouTube will also face competition, which will make their norms more transparent.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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