Court Decision Not Guilty

US Court gave strong message by dismissing lawsuit against Uniswap

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 1 Sep 2023

     Judge Katherine Polk Failla, the federal judge of the South District of New York court, has dismissed a class action lawsuit against Uniswap, this will create  more changes.

Decentralised platform is Not Guilty

     The lawsuit charged Uniswap with issuing scam tokens; however, judge Failla found that Uniswap is just software, which is of a decentralised nature, self driving nature makes it lawful, but currently there are no regulations to consider Uniswap as well as its investor paradigm as defendants.

Regulations are required or users are at own risk

     This judgement clearly means that people using decentralised platforms are at their own risk, so users should be extra careful while dealing with open-source developers. Anyway, decision on Uniswap  case has also provided politicians a reason to entrefer in the crypto sector.

Nightmare for SEC, Sweet Dreams for Coinbase?

     The case of SEC v. Coinbase is in Judge Failla's court. Although Coinbase is a centralised platform, the SEC lacks any regulation. The crypto community is already seeing Uniswap's decision as a pre-win for Coinbase, while the SEC is already in trouble after losing to Ripple and Grayscale.

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