
One image ridiculed Vitalik Buterin

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 31 Aug 2022

     Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin often gets mocked on social media for his skinny image, but this time he has become the object of ridicule due to his photograph in the strange shape of his pant, people are making different kinds of meme to mock Buterin.

(Image can be considered as sensative or sensational, whatever you think, but you will get glimpse in whole Twitter).

Some people were enjoying the mockery, for example Moonnation CEO Ben Todar openly asked for a meme encouraging this behavior.

Blockchain media was also involved in the incident, for example Gokhshtain took on Vitalik on its part and tried to compare him with Adult star Johnny Sins.

Bitcoin critics can mock other cryptos too, so that was not a surprise if critic like Satoshi Stacker ridiculed in a way of presenting it as Vitalik's way of life, and mocked in multiples ways.

Bitcoin Investors were not behind to miss the chance to mock Vitalik. Investor Lark Davis mocked long in short way.

Even Journalists  too cannot stop themselves in commenting over Vitalik's mockery. Example Fox Journalist Eleano Terrett hinted her side of mockery.

Some people completely mocked Vitalik, and made sensual remarks on the image status. DeFi investor and writer Route2FI gave his views as examples.


Some individuals/platforms are also criticizing the derisive behavior of people while praising Buterin's contribution to the crypto world. However, people have their own say.


There is no stop in social media, even body shaming happens, we cannot stop people, but we can understand the situation and decide in our way.

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