Binance v Kucoin

KuCoin v Binance on Pre Market

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 13 Oct 2024

     Kucoin always tries to stand behind Binance and try to get ahead of it; it did the same in the newly hyped pre-market.


Kucoin prepared first, Binance followed

     Kucoin has a pre-market platform since February this year, but it only provides closure and delivery schedules. Binance announced the spot trading of Pre-Market on September 25. This was a big step. So Kucoin got itself prepared for it.




Kucoin was faster than Binance

     Kucoin announced the pre-market spot trading of the CATS token on October 5 and released its trading on October 8. Binance announced the pre-market spot trading of Scroll token on October 8, which was after Kucoin's announcement.


Winners is Binance for being better than KuCoin

     CATS is a Telegram mini app, and people were already accumulating it, so it did not gain importance expect for dumping. In contrast, Scroll (Binance's pre-market) is a ZK roll-up, so it might have great potential in pre-market trading.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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