Kryptovaul Norway

Kryptovault's Stockmarknes mining facility shuts down due to noise pollution

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 17 Sep 2024

Facility is closed, Electricity Bills increased

     Norway's PoW mining company and data centre Kryptovault's Stockmarknes facility in Hadsel has been shut down due to noise pollution. After this, the bill for about 80 GWh of electricity consumed by the facility is now borne by the locals, which has increased the bills by 20%.

Source: Cryptopolitician


Locals not bothered

     Since electricity cannot be stored, one will have to bear its cost even if it is not consumed. As per information received from various sources, the local people are not bothered by the increase. People complained that they were disturbed even during the day and could not sleep at night due to the noise caused by mining. So now, with the closure of the facility, they are more concerned about getting a normal life.


My Point

     Not only Bitcoin mining companies will have to focus on renewable energy production, their machine manufacturing industries also need to produce silencers for the machines, or mining companies will have to find a remote location with adequate electricity supply.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread.

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