
Kraken Desktop Launched

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 2 Nov 2024

     Kraken has launched a new trading application "Kraken desktop," which aims to provide enhanced support to its users. According to Kraken, this tool is offering full access to all of Kraken's spot and futures markets, as well as new tools and functionalities that allow access to a wider range of crypto trading.

Source: Kraken



An attempt after Cryptowatch

     I remember Kraken launched the Cryptowatch tool for users in 2023, but it failed to attract users, due to which it had to be shut down in July 2023. Now what will the new tool Kraken Desktop do? Will it live up to the expectations of users? Or will it also have to shut down like Cryptowatch, or will it take a middle path? All this will be known only after the users' experience.



Important for Kraken

     Whatever the case, Kraken's goal is to provide a better tool. After all, it was developed to provide easy access to a wide range of trading, and when people trade, Kraken earns revenue in fees. So, whatever the outcome, Kraken will be prepared for it.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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