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Federal vs State in US after Florida bans CBDC

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 14 May 2023

     A bill that excludes CBDCs from the UCC's definition of "money" was approved by the Florida Governor Ronald Dion DeSantis. As a result, CBDCs cannot be used as currency within the state.

Ban on CBDC

   Similar to Florida - South Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Arizona, and Texas have introduced measures that forbid the use of CBDCs as currency.
   In contrast to Florida - New Hampshire and North Carolina bills do not consider CBDC as legal.

No Ban but No Support

  • South Dakota - Governor has vetoed pro CBDC bill.
  • Arkansas - requires a warrant before using CBDCs but not outright banning them.
  • Tennessee - funds are backed by only Gold and Silver without valuing CBDC.


The UCC fector

     Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is state based, so this gives power to the state to influence the decisions made by the federal government। After Florida, other states are also Getting ready for an outlawry.

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