Fantom Wallet hack

Fantom Foundation wallets drained by hackers

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 18 Oct 2023

     Hacker(s) emptied multiple wallets of Fantom Foundation through the Chrome zero-day flaw; the hacker(s) are now under trace.

  Fantom Wallets Drained

     The hacker(s) emptied Fantom's multiple token wallets, Fantom Token $FTM Wallet 1, 16, 19, and Ethereum $ETH Wallet 18, 20. According to information from tracker Certik, the hacked tokens were worth of $7 millions. 

People claim Fantom is guilty

     Fantom is being blamed for this hack in the crypto sector. The use of zero days by hackers is also raising suspicion on Fantom because zero days means a recently discovered security flaw that developers have "zero days" to fix.

Damage Control by Fantom

     The Fantom Foundation claims that more than 99% of funds are safe; however, Fantom made this claim several hours after the incident, when most of the crypto media had already reported on it and the value of the Fantom token had also fallen.

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