
Ethereum for shopping market?

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 1 Oct 2024

     Crypto is for economic freedom, but we can use it properly when it does not force us to spend more than we spend; this is how crypto will reach the market.


Crypto for Shopping purpose

     But how are we going to use crypto in our shopping spree? Most altcoins are not popular options with marchants, while bitcoin is more for HODL and built reserve. This makes Ethereum a much better option for market activities.




Gas Fees Counts

     But wait, we have to consider ETH gas fees also:
     Latest Whalealert data informs about the latest big Ethereum and TUSD transactions that were performed utilising the Ethereum Blockchain, yet the fees were less than 0.0001 Gwei.


Affordable Gas, but….

     Ethereum gas fees have become more affordable in recent times, yet it still costs something, and every penny counts. So, Ethereum could be a good use for big purchases, not simple shopping.




Wait for Pectra upgrade

     More Ethereum updates are coming; next is the Pectra upgrade, which will cover the unsolved matter left by the previous Dencun upgrade. We will know what options Ethereum offers with new development.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread.

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