Bitcoin El Salvador

El Salvador is planning to expend international Bitcoin agreement

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 13 Dec 2024


     We know that El Salvador and Argentina signed a mutual agreement to help both countries strengthen their digital asset industry. But that was just bilateral, while the ambitions of El Salvador are bigger.


Expending to Over 25 Countries

     This agreement is not just staying there; El Salvador is also discussing similar agreements with other countries. According to different sources, El Salvador is discussing with "over 25 countries" for the deal; however, the name of any other country was not mentioned.



International Solution

     I think El Salvador is trying this as an option to solve the problem of running out of cash and not getting a loan from the IMF. Such international agreements could be a suitable means to avoid succumbing to the pressure of the economic arbitrariness of the IMF, which it wants to achieve by ending the legal tender status of Bitcoin.




Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread


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