
Coinbase is mobilizing against SEC using ETF

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 19 Dec 2023

     SEC Chair Gary Gensler is notorious for working against crypto Industry, now it is headed for get back by Coinbase with exchange-traded funds (ETFs)  

Gary Gensler and Brian Armstrong

Financial Powers against Gary via ETF

     Gary Gensler was purposely impeding the acceptance of the Spot BTC ETF, but he was compelled to concede due to the influence of financial firms and judicial decisions. Coinbase has taken advantage of this and become the primary ETF custodian for the major companies. They'll all place Gary because they're already dissatisfied with him.

Coinbase was prepared with lawsuit

     When Gary refused to pursue transparent crypto regulation, Coinbase filed a lawsuit against the SEC citing abuse of discretion, and violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, this happened at the time when SEC was losing support for postponing the Spot BTC ETF approval. It seems that Brian Armstrong had already made preparations to corner Gary. 

ETF is not for us

     Coinbase is going to milk the Bitcoin cow with ETF craze, but this will result in centralisation. Coinbase might become a big company, and shut the big Gary mouth, yet Bitcoin ETF will make the use of Bitcoin to follow governance guidelines set for any centralised thing. BTC hodlers need to use their currency as a treasury for financial independence.

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