Coinbase India

Coinbase is Hiring in India

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 2 Sep 2024

Coinbase hiring in India

     Coinbase has put advertisement for a Backend Software Engineer to work at their Indian office located in Banglore. Coinbase requres the person in office, so this is clear that with no Work From Home facility in this one, the employee have to be in Bangalore.

Source: Coinbase Ad on X



A Nice Opportunity for Indians, but

     This is a good opportunity for Indians willing to work at crypto sector, working at Coinbase will help the selected person to improve his/her digital economic talent. However, none is taking intrest in it, some are comparing about the requirement (Coinbase has not given clear information).



Coinbase Registered in India?

     Right now I am aware that only 2 overseas crypto firms, Kucoin and Binance, are registered with Indian agency FIU; Coinbase is not listed. Other banned exchanges are Bittrex, Bitstamp, Bitfenex,, Huobi, Kraken, and MEXC Global. It is Coinbase that advertised, and the funny thing is that Coinbase was not even sent any notice or banned by the Indian government.


Originally published at Grill, and shared as a thread on Wubits.

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