BSV vs BTC and Coinbase

Coinbase has deprecated support for Faketoshi's Bitcoin SV

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 4 Feb 2024

    US based popular Crypto firm Coinbase has has deprecated support for Bitcoin SVq (BSV) token, resulting in wave that could be either cool or heat.

Faketoshi token deprecated

     The date of Coinbase's decision to deprecate support for BSV is not clear, coinbase announced its decision only via a 'reminder' issued on December 21, 2023. However, the dispute was started in 2022 when Craig Wright sued Coinbase and Kraken in London for listing BTC as Bitcoin opposed to BSV.

Faketoshi's loss repeated 

     In the December 2023 reminder, Coinbase announced it will stop support for Bitcoin SV (BSV) on January 9, 2024, near 12 noon ET. This was effect of winning the London lawsuit in July 2023, which costed Craig Wright, and encouraged Coinbase to do away with him.

Users got their message 

     The BSV tokens of Coinbase users who chose not to withdraw them have been converted to the equal market value of a different supported cryptocurrency, minus transaction costs. As per Coinbase's previous announcement, these users would not be compensated, making any possible lawsuits more challenging.

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