Coinbase equals Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin HODL record

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 24 Sep 2023

     Blockchain media Arkham has revealed that US-based crypto exchange Coinbase is the largest Bitcoin hodler with 1 million bitcoins.


1 Million Bitcoins

     Arkham has analysed and identified over 36 million BTC deposits and holding addresses used by Coinbase. These addresses hoard about 1 million bitcoins, which is equivalent to Satoshi Nakamoto's net worth. This legitimately  now makes Coinbase as the biggest Bitcoin HODLer.


Competition with Satoshi

     In the crypto world, only iSatoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Blockchain and Bitcoin, is supposed to HODL 1 million bitcoins; he might HODL more than that. According to Akhram, Coinbase is likely to have thousands more unlebelled BTC wallets, which Hodl more BTC.


Coinbase's next depends on regulations

     The SEC is already targeting the crypto industry, and Coinbase's only defence is that there are currently no proper regulations in place. However, regulations are on the table of lawmakers, so Coinbase is preparing for the future by arguing that people should contact their legislators for crypto-friendly regulation.

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