Patience for this moment

Bitcoin: A legacy that goes beyond values

By Eddyc | Crypto Bits | 15 Jun 2022





Greetings Friends;

We are living a great moment for reflection in relation to our sentimental values when we think about or execute an investment. Many newbie investors who have just arrived tend to follow a herd pattern where any news or scandal already sells a portion or completely dumps their investments. So holding a project in the crypto world itself became difficult due to media attacks and market panic. In general, for those who have experienced several market cycles, this type of movement is more of a test to see if we really trust the projects and the cause as a whole. We must understand and ensure that Satoshi Nakamoto's true purpose is to decentralize money where Bitcoin itself becomes a decentralized medium.


The energy comes from within...


With short snippets of motivation we can move around in a peaceful way and with that I can transmit to everyone a little motivation and light for everyone who is in the dark. With that, the energy that moves the market is the interior where each one has a specific desire and a dream to achieve. We should use this moment to study more and analyze our choices in this bloody market. So avoid making stupid moves and wait for an improvement in the market.





The same energy that goes down is the same that goes up...


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Eddyc Verified Member

Passionate about Blockchain from the past, present and future. I write with my Heart... Note* I write about projects that can do something for society. Now this doesn't depend on me, but on the project team. I'm just a writer... DYOR

Crypto Bits
Crypto Bits

I can say that the powerful Blockchain allows new models based on trust and the development of new models to be followed, but how? The models enable a digital and autonomous future, capable of adding values to society.

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