ARCO Protocol


It is no longer news that the APTOS chain with the native coin $APT, launched recently with a bang. So much so, that it has been listed in the Innovation zone of the Binance exchange. This success is largely courtesy of its community strength and active participation-based development that saw Dapps like ARCO Protocol already at its testnet stage. ARCO Protocol is a cross-chain DeFi lending & staking platform available on Aptos Labs. It is the premier 3-in-1 lending, farming and swapping platform on Aptos chain. The speedy follow up of the ARCO protocol immediately the aftermath of the APTOS chain launch is amazing. The native token for ARCO Protocol is the $ARC token.

Arco Protocol testnet requirement and procedure

To participate in the ongoing incentivized testnet you need to have an APTOS wallet with a faucet/dev $APT coin readily available from the APTOS wallet. The lending section of ARCO Protocol is currently functional with faucet/dev $APT, while the swap section can only be tested with the APTOS Mainnet which means you need a live $APT coin for the swap. The farming section is not yet functional at the time of this article. The incentivized testnet qualification involves following the underlisted procedure for the test.

  1. Deposit $APT to the Lending Section
  2. Borrow $ARC
  3. Deposit $ARC to the Lending Section
  4. Claim $ARC
  5. Repay borrowed $ARC

Arco Protocol IDO

ARCO Protocol will be having IDO for its token $ARC at 12PM UTC on the 29th of October. Other relevant information on the IDO is a s follows:

  Start time: Oct 29, 12:00 PM (UTC)

 Duration: 48 hours

  IDO Price: 0.05 APT - 0.1 APT

  Listing Price: 0.1 APT

  Listing time: Oct 31, 13:00 PM (UTC)

 DEX: liquidswap, AnimeSwap

 CEX: Houbi, Gate, MEXC



 Bonus: "ARCO PASS"

IDO supporters are entitled to a free "ARCO PASS" which grants holders access to the upcoming mint event for the hottest NFT projects on Aptos.

Arco Protocol Launch

On the 3rd of Nov 2022 to be precise, ARCO Protocol will be officially launched. You will then be able to farm or stake your $ARC token. ARCO Protocol will be the first 3-in-1 lending, farming and swapping protocol launch on the Aptos Mainnet. This will allow users and all other current and future partner platforms earn token and rewards for contributing to the ARCO protocol.

Arco Protocol Online presence

To get regular updates on Arco Protocol, please join and follow the various online presence of Arco Protocol as are provided thus:



Arco Protocol IDO:





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