AMA Recap - Warena x Game of Bitcoins

By Game of Bitcoins | crypto_amas | 14 Oct 2021


Thanks a lot for actively participating in the Warena AMA held on 14th Oct 2021 at the Game of Bitcoins Channel. We really appreciate all your support. This post is a recap of the entire session held with Warena

We have with us Vu and Jolie

Hi there! 

I’m Jolie Tran and work as a Marketing Specialist for WARENA. I bring 7 years of marketing experience to the table, and a similar level of experience to my team when I play League of Legends ☺️ . I am a Candy Crush aficionado and recently have fallen in love with Axie Infinity. I like to think of my myself as a Witch-class type character, weaving magic spells over my marketing campaigns.  WARENA is going to be something special, and I love interacting with our large network of collaborators, and the game vision is just awesome.

Hi! My name is Vu Hoang and I am the Project Tech Lead Coordinator at WARENA.

I’ve already helped develop some games that are in a similar vein, such as Cat Gunner and Robot Defence. So far, the best games that I myself have enjoyed playing have been Blade and Soul, Diablo and Heroes of the Storm. What I love most about being a part of the WARENA team is that it is a long-term project, with a huge network of collaborators and has an outstanding vision.

Q1. There are so many traditional gamers who want to try blockchain gaming but they have no knowledge about blockchain technology. So, how will WARENA bridge this issues? Do you have a testnet event or Beta Version that can be used as educational tools for new users?

We will launch beta test version 2 on October 18th. You can register at the link:

In addition, you can follow our community to keep up with the latest events as well as quiz events ( which are part of the series 101 

- to get the basics started with the NFT game for traditional gamers.

With Warena, we will progress to both playing games and making money.

Q2. As far as I know, "Warena" introduced 2 tokens which are: $WARE & $RENA. Can you please explain what is the purpose of these two tokens? How are they used and what role do they play in the "Warena" platform? "Warena" users need to hold both tokens?

We use 2 token mechanism to operate our system. The RENA total supply is 100m. WARE will be decided by the number of users who join the game.

👉🏻WARE token - the main in-game currency. It will be used for trading, exchanging, and improving one’s warriors including their special qualities.

👉🏻RENA token - an ERC-20 governance token for the WARENA Universe. RENA holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake their tokens, play the game, and participate in key governance votes.

Besides that, investors like yield guild can buy NFT characters for their scholars to play-to-earn - investors can earn the appreciation of their investment -

Another feature is that If you own RENA tokens or legend NFT you can stake into the vault to earn revenue with WARENA project.

Q3. Warena aims to be a real game of ownership of users with his own DAO. Cataloged as "The WR Community Council". But, do the players will experience the model of democratic governance? How will the rules of liquid democracy of the "real world" be? What do they refer with that last?

We are building Warena to allow our players to also own a piece of the game - this is what a decentralized organization (the Community Council) is.

Warena aims to be a true user-owned game with its own decentralized organization called the Community Council which will be managed by the community. We have also integrated a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization), which over time can take over much of the decision-making power in the game. The Community Council will be an important element of the game ecosystem, as it will address both in-game issues as well as proposals regarding future game development and funding.


Q4. What function will the NFTs fulfill in Warena, will they come to have financial use or will they only be an element of the games, do you consider that the combination of the 2 tendencies in Warena: play to win and metaverse will attract the participation of new investors?

Inspired by Blockchain Technology and capturing the global NFT trend, WARENA is an ingenious combination of the two latest gaming developments: Play-to-Earn and Metaverse. Anyone in the WARENA ecosystem can enjoy countervailing strategy gameplay within our vast, super-realistic Metaverse, earning at the same time, digital incomes. Tokens collected during the gameplay contribute to the WARENA ecosystem, and these tokens can later be converted into NFTs.


Based on that we were convinced our investors. Warena is backed by Genesisbuilders fund, Master Ventures, DAO Maker, M6 and Animoca to name a few. They are all well known in the crypto market. DAO Maker and Paid Network both are highly selective when partnering with projects launching their IDO. (Harmony ONE team members) has had a lot of experience in building blockchain. M6 has the reputation of promoting good projects. Animoca is the leading investor of gamefi. As of BSC integration, all WARE and RENA Tokens will be deployed in BSC; the NFT can be deployed in BSC and other blockchains as well.

Q5. The NFTs in WARENA Games can collect while playing games and participate in PvE and PvP tournament. How valuable are the NFTs that we get through the game? Can these NFTs be traded? and is there any limit for each user in getting NFTs?

Yes player can collect NFTs while playing games and participate in PvE and PvP tournament .Each NFTs you receive will increase in exchange value over time because:

- NFT Warrior in our game is unique.

- NFT Warrior will be used to play in 2 games 2D - 3D and some partners with us.

- Many other types of NFT will be released in the near future to support the best preparation when going through phase 2 - metaverse

And of course, all NFTs be traded

Q6. A lot of scam projects lately. Pulling the rug creates a loss for investors. why should we trust your project? Aren't you going to do the same?

Our team have created and been developing Warena as a long-term and community-driven project. We have a long vision for the game, not just a short-term build-and-dump project. This has always been the deliverables we brought to the table when pitching our project. Trust and Security for both investors and our community have always been our top piority.

- We have a solid roadmap for Warena. Our team has done careful researches and put great consideration into developing the game Roadmap, showing our effort in ensuring we are putting the best product out there and that our users have the best experience with our game.

And of course, this is just the beginning. We do not want to hold on to or stop at all the achievements and wins so far. Of course no one is perfect and so are we. We are still trying to improve our product and services to the communities by listening and gathering all of your feedbacks. It is crucial for us to receive pieces of advice from not only our investors but also from our community, both positive and negative. Thus, we are happy and willing to hear any suggestions or ideas that coming from all of you, players! Let us know!

Q7. Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

The project comes from the passion of our team. We aim for a long-term project and a community of gamers. We do not think short-term investment will be suitable for our project. Phase 1 (for play-to-earn players and investors) will launch 8 months before our phase 2.

Based on this feature of the metaverse. We evaluate a GameFi-NFTs-Metaverse project based on the following criteria: ability to reflect the real world, feasibility, ability of the development team and related partners.

After the foregoing, together with the partners we have connected and committed to complete the roadmap. I believe that is enough to prove to you.

Q8. I understand that players can earn while playing warena but my question is; is there any way players can earn by staking?

Stay tuned for $RENA Staking Function in November 😉

Beside that, now we're running a campaign hold-to-earn: FROM HOLDER TO WARRIOR


Q9. What is PROJECT's revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit?


WARENA has created a mechanism to model characters from its base dataset in linked NFT games, then syncs into WARENA's system and ensures stable interaction in the game. metaverse.

P2E will implement the metaverse feature through:

+ Independent game modes for players.

+ System of quests and quests to ensure revenue for players.

+ Events happen continuously to support players from the publisher.

+ Trading on marketplace.

Q10. How can I buy this tokens? Is it available on any exchange?

Please try on pancakeswap:

Q11. Do you have strong team to achieve ambition and vision? How well experienced team background do you have?

Our core team have long experience in the field of blockchain, we combined with game developers from D2M studio and NCC studio to create WARENA. With such a solid background and experience, we believe our team can bring Warena to success in the future.

Our DEV team representitive: 

Lam La - Game designer

Game Designer on serveral projects in the Japanese and Korean market:

- Marvel: War of Heroes (Card battle game by DeNA x Disney)

- Sangokushi Royale (Card battle game by DeNA with Three Kingdom theme)

- Drift Spirits (Car racing game from BANDAI NAMCO)

- Blade II: the Return of Evil (ARPG game published by Kakao)

- And now, happy to be a part of Warena

Dallin Nguyen - Senior Unity Game Developer

- Has been a game developer for quite a long time

- Started using unity in 2012, then many other game engines

- Has an overall background knowledge of many platforms, front end to back end, but still, unity is the framework used most

Q12. Have you being audited ? Have not heard you talk about that security of funds is what every investor craves for and plans to escape incase of insecurity if funds,scams and rug pulls ? How strongly built are your security put in place?


Security will always be our top concern in WARENA. .

WARENA is built on an outstanding blockchain platform designed specifically for NFT and gaming development so the risk, from our standpoint, remains minimal.

The team welcomes White Hats who can assist us in uncovering vulnerabilities. The reward mechanism will depend on the severity of the bugs.

We have been audited by Zokyo Security. The Warena smart contract passed with flying colors with a perfect score of 100%. This is above the industry standard of 95%. 

You can find more information about Zokyo here:


You can follow our official channels for news updating:


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Currently, we have the following local channels to best serve you guys should you have any questions. And of course, the number will not just stop there. 🙏 THANK YOU so much for all your love and support! Looking forward to our exciting journey ahead! 🥳

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