Global Markets Crash, $26 Billion in Crypto Lost!

Global markets are panicking over the following news in the past 24 hours:

  • The value of the entire cryptocurrency market fell over $26 billion on Monday. 
  • Bitcoin, the biggest cryptocurrency by value, fell 10% in 24 hours. 
  • Other big digital coins ethereum, XRP and bitcoin cash, posted double-digit losses.  
  • The sell-off in digital coins followed a plummet in oil prices. 


How does this affect the future of crypto? Let's dig in...

S&P 500 falls 7% and triggers the circuit breaker.  This is just the start.  These downturns are where the real money is made.  It takes on average only 18 months for a bear cycle to complete, and up to 10 years for a bull cycle.  Take the time to position yourself for success. This has been long overdue!




Bond yields collapsed last week, this week it's oil futures. The system is broken!?!?!

Actually, the system isn't broken. The rich buy everything on the cheap drive prices up then dump everything. This drives the price back down. They buy it all back and drive price up again. That is the system and it's been the system for centuries.

The total value of the world’s cryptocurrencies dropped by $21 billion on Sunday as the asset class proved it was not immune to the global selloff.


No bubble to see here!

Everything looks perfectly normal!!


Its still very well within the uptrend support lines. It will likely take a few months of rounding off for it to really fall. + the fed will pump money into it to try to keep it lifted up for a while. The more they fake it, the harder the fall will be. It could even drop as low as the 2008 highs!

People are so used to the Fed propping up the Equity Markets that they forgot how a real market actually works. A rising Equity Market forever is unrealistic. They have propped it up for so Long that no one knows where the bottom should be and they will try to print their way out of it again and prop it up for the Baby boomers.

The banking cartel know crypto will take the chains they have set on nations if they don't do something.

They have to create artificial chaos to establish their own crypto as the new reserve currency.

Otherwise it's game over for them. Were talking about people who artificially create horrible economic problems and wars. When they are threatened millions usually die. 

Hopefully things will happen fast enough with the internet it won't have to come to that.


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Crypto enthusiast, coding nerd, cat lover, and libertarian.

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