Do you want to be happier about LinkedIn?
I just wanted to ask you more clearly.
Will you discontinue being on LinkedIn?
Many people write against LinkedIn. They have their reasons.
I never shy away from raising constructive criticisms.
I always give feedback because I wish LinkedIn would get rid of the problems and flourish to better serve its members.
But I won't delete my LinkedIn account.
LinkedIn is still too good.
I shared my LinkedIn experience. I have had beautiful experiences.
I have direct meetings with a few LinkedIn connections, many of which are No Longer Virtual (NLV).
LinkedIn is an almost perfect platform for professionals.
I am writing about those who often write about being frustrated with LinkedIn.
Some seriously consider closing their LinkedIn accounts due to dissatisfaction with the platform.
I think you should not delete your LinkedIn account because it is still too good for professionals.
If needed, you can temporarily deactivate your LinkedIn account for specific reasons, such as your current employer's desire to operate in stealth mode because of privacy/security requirements.
You can make your account operative again at any time.
However, in any situation, you should never permanently delete your LinkedIn account.
The power of a LinkedIn connection is enormous.
LinkedIn continues to be a platform for positive interactions among professionals.
I don't have any infographics to show you, but this is my personal (little) experience.
I witnessed it in the past, and I experience it every day.
Before a visit to a conference in China, I had two positive interactions with two of my very new LinkedIn connections.
LinkedIn connections can lead to real-world engagements.
In May 2017, I visited China for the International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (ETOP) 2017, which was held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Before the conference, I connected with two wonderful people—Zhou Fenghua of JS Digitech, Shanghai, and Erin Chen of XED Light International, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang.
Exchange of LinkedIn messages resulted in fast “ No Longer Virtual” meetings with two professionals.
A couple of LinkedIn messages between us led to my visit to XED, International at Jiaxing City, Zhejiang, and JS Digitech in Shanghai.
These meetings were briefly planned "No Longer Virtual (NLV)" meetings.
I am sure many of you also had such meetings with your LinkedIn connections.
Never delete your LinkedIn account.
You should not delete your LinkedIn account because it is still too good for professionals.
If you need to, you can temporarily deactivate your LinkedIn account.
You can make your LinkedIn account operative again whenever you like.
However, you should never delete your LinkedIn account.
I had professional interactions on LinkedIn that led to real-world engagement. Do you also have positive interactions on LinkedIn? I would love to hear about your experience.
If you need help in polishing your LinkedIn account, please feel free to send me a DM.
No Longer Virtual is a regular direct meeting event of LinkedIn connections organized by Sarah Elkins.
Watch out for the calendar and join a future NLV event.
<> Originally published in my LinkedIn blog.
About me
I practice STEM—science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. I secretly add the arts, literature, music, fine art, and movies to my list of interests. So, my new interest acronym becomes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, or STEAM.
I work to develop solutions in cybersecurity data privacy solutions, especially authentication technology and password security.
Some of the technologies I develop may directly apply to solving the private key-loss problem of blockchain applications, including cryptocurrencies.
Text Copyright © 2024 Debesh Choudhury — All Rights Reserved
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Cover Image: I created a GIF using my texts and an image by Shutterstock. Unfortunately, Publish0x can't display GIF images.
I created all animations with open-source software.
All other images are either drawn/created/screenshots by myself or credited to the respective artists/sources.
Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Please do your research before you adopt any options.
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#LinkedIn #SocialMedia #SocialNetworks #Profession #Communication #Personalbranding
Friday, Aug 09, 2024