Enjoy Life With Enough Musical Activity and Content

By Debesh Choudhury | Writing and Life | 22 Apr 2023

Lately, I felt that I am going away from music.

I forgot to enjoy music for many years when I was engrossed in professional work. It was not that I didn't have time, but I was not sincere in caring for my passion.

I learned a little bit about Indian classical music. I learned Tabla, an advanced percussion instrument made of wood and animal skin. Synthetic variety of the instrument has also arrived on electronic keyboards or synthesizers.

I also learned a keyed instrument called Harmonium, a mini adaptation for an organ that can be easily carried to musical programs.

I take chances of putting my fingers on any keyboard I find kept for public use. Below is an example of a few seconds' glimpse of my fumbling on a piano in the lobby of the international youth hostel in Baltimore.



Neglecting music was a mistake for me!

Lately, I realized it was my mistake not to pay enough attention to music.

Now, I don't skip even a single day without listening to music, be it classical or modern, folk or film music, Indian or western.

I also started to carry out some self-therapy with music - I began to create my tunes and lyrics! I experimented with a digital musical creation of @SolarPhasing.

@SolarPhasing's original track is "Electron" in the playlist "Electron Rock."

I realize I made a mistake because I didn't request formal permission from @SolarPhasing before posting my self-therapeutical experiment with his musical creation, which is copyrighted to @SolarPhasing.

Thus, I learned the basic norms of using others' copyrighted digital creations. @SolarPhasing is kind and allows me to share it again.


Screenshot from my Odysee Video (click to view).


Enjoy life with enough musical activity and content.

I request all my online friends not to ignore your musical instinct.

Listen to music you are fond of.

Try to learn any subject from music.

If you have already learned music, please continue pursuing it.

Singing a song doesn't require any instrument. Sing a song you like.

Fill your life with some musical activities.

Consume as much musical content as your time permits.



<> Originally published on ReadCash.



About me

  • I am from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). I have also added "Arts" and "Fine Art" to my interests and made my interests STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

  • I develop solutions for passwords and cybersecurity relevant to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and blockless distributed ledgers.

I hope the entire blogging community will strive here and elsewhere.


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Cheers! Debesh Choudhury

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Text Copyright © 2023 Debesh Choudhury — All Rights Reserved

Thumbnail ImageAn image by Joel santana Joelfotos from Pixabay.

 All other graphics and videos are credited just below it.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

April 22, 2023

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am an Information Security Researcher, Podcast Host & Tech Blogger.

Writing and Life
Writing and Life

I write about blogging, vlogging, and Life.

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