Robert Kiyosaki: What will happen when Bitcoin reaches $100,000?

By Albertocrypto | Cripto tips | 1 Dec 2024

As Bitcoin (BTC) remains below $100,000, financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki has predicted a possible shift in ownership of the asset once this six-figure milestone is reached.

Kiyosaki, author of the personal finance bestseller 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', maintains that if this record is achieved, it will be almost impossible for the average person to acquire significant amounts of Bitcoin. This was expressed in a publication in X on November 30.

According to Kiyosaki, the real change will occur when Bitcoin reaches $100,000. At that point, only the ultra-rich will have the financial power to acquire considerable amounts of the digital asset.

Kiyosaki's warning about financial inequality

The author warned that “the rich will get richer, while the poor and the middle class will fall further behind” in this environment. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of “fear of being left out” (FOMO), urging investors to act before the asset becomes even more expensive.

Kiyosaki said:

«People who save in gold, silver and Bitcoin. I own all three. Once Bitcoin surpasses $100,000, only the ultra-rich, such as corporations, banks, and sovereign wealth funds, will be able to afford significant amounts of Bitcoin. FOMO is good. "Don't be left behind."

Although Kiyosaki promotes FOMO, this psychological phenomenon can lead to rash financial decisions, such as spending beyond means or making impulsive decisions that could result in losses, especially if Bitcoin does not perform as expected.

Bitcoin price predictions according to Kiyosaki

In anticipation of Bitcoin's price growth, Kiyosaki made a bold prediction: the asset could reach $500,000 by 2025.

However, he clarified that this forecast comes from an unidentified artificial intelligence (AI) platform, and not from his own analysis. Previously, Kiyosaki had predicted that Bitcoin would reach $300,000 in 2024.

The financial educator maintains that Bitcoin is an ideal asset to protect wealth, preventing a possible massive economic collapse.

In addition to Bitcoin, the author has defended gold as another alternative, emphasizing that there should not be a debate about which asset is better.

Bitcoin Price

At the time of writing, Bitcoin was trading at $96,929, with a correction of less than 0.1% in the last 24 hours. Over the last week, the asset has shown weakness, falling by more than 2%.

Bitcoin is currently maintaining a bearish trend, even though its technical setup and fundamental factors such as institutional interest have increased. These factors were expected to propel the cryptocurrency towards a six-figure valuation. For now, the focus is on Bitcoin holding the $95,000 support level.

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