Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin's X Account Hacked

Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin's X Account Hacked

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 11 Sep 2023

In an unfortunate phishing hack on Sep  9, Vitalik Buterin's X account showed up a post where scammers tried to lure X users to click on the links which offered free NFT collectibles. The phising scam hack led users to lose around $691k.

Following the breach of Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s X (formerly Twitter) account, victims allegedly suffered losses exceeding $691,000 due to a malicious link falsely promoting a free NFT.


Vitalik Buterin, the co founder of Ethereum, boasts around 5 million followers on X and he sits among the most influential celebrities of crypto world. 

The scamming post pretended for a free NFT which users could collect by connecting their wallet. As the post was an attempt of phising, as soon as the users who connected their wallets, scammers drained everything out. 

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@Zachbxt, a crypto enthusiast, has been covering this phising scam on X and has informed in his tweets that many notable NFTs are stolen as well.

CZ, the CEO of Binance expressed his concerns over the security of X and mentioned his trouble in the past for almost the same reason.Chinese crypto journalist Colin Wu, Wu Blockchain on X, compared this hack to the account of Hayden Adams, the founder of Uniswap. On Hayden Adams' account users posted the same type of phising links and extracted crypto out of unfortunate users earlier this year.

Although hacking and posting phising links is not very common for less influential people, to keep yourself safe always follow do's or don'ts while using social media. 



  • Do create a password at least 10 characters long. Longer is better.
  • Do use a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
  • Do use a different password for each website you visit.
  • Do keep your password in a safe place. Consider using password management software to store all of your login information securely.



  • Do not use personal information in your password such as phone numbers, birthdays, etc.
  • Do not use common dictionary words such as “password”, “iloveyou”, etc.
  • Do not use sequences such as ”abcd1234”, or keyboard sequences like “qwerty.”
  • Do not reuse passwords across websites. Your Twitter account password should be unique to Twitter.

You can find additional information on the link of source. Go through this page and it will be great helo if you want to secure your X account.


As Always Thanks for Reading


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