Earned 1 Million Sats in 6 months

Earned 1 Million Sats At Stackers News

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 30 Aug 2024

Howdy Publish0x!   It just feels like yesterday when I posted here on SN with how I Stacked 10K Sats in about a month!!.   TBH, that was my first day to realise the potential of SN and from there I geared up to make it bigger and bigger. And here I'm from 10k Sats in a month to 1 million Sats in 6 months! Yes, I'd like to share with all you that @coinsreporter is now a millionaire on SN!! aHR0cHM6Ly9tLnN0YWNrZXIubmV3cy80ODgyMQ TBH, I didn't see it coming this fast. Also, I never think too much of milestones, never been that person who worked for reaching milestones, nor I'm here to brag about achieving a rare feet which only 33 Stackers (including me) have been able to achieve so far.  

That's wasn't all yesterday marked the first day when I was there on 2nd position for th first time!!

TBH, I'm writing this post for two reasons only — first to show my gratitude towards the platform and the generosity of all Stackers who have ever zapped or read or just gave an every look to any content from me, second to share my experience with the newcomers sonas to arouse some motivation to stick to the platform for long.  

For my first reason, I'd say, I'm speechless! From my day one on SN on 27 feb this year, I had no doubts about the generosity of Stackers! And now if I'm here, to have stacked 1 million, it's just because all of you, because of you accepting me among you, tolerating my English (I'm not native), answering to my stupid questions (as often they are), zapping my posts and comments with Sats love, participating with me in fun (talking about sports pool here).  

So, for everything I feel grateful, I feel most grateful to all the Stackers!
Thank you SN and Thank you all dear Stackers! You all are stupendously fantastic!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏  

For the second reason which is to share my experience with newcomers. I won't go in preaching mode to say 'you do this or you don't do this'. Instead, I would say as a newcomer to SN, you just have to follow a simple process which is — Read whatever interests you, zap (if you like the content), comment (to appreciate the OP or to add value to the post or comment) and that's it. The more you do it, the faster you gonna make your place here. I did the same and I believe everyone can.    

If someone's thinking where's learning in all of this? I believe learning comes automatically if a new Stacker engages more often on SN. Yes, I can share with you guys a lot of dos and don'ts but I wanna keep it as simple as possible. In case, you have any questions or confusion, don't think too much before asking. Stackers feel proud to sort out any questions and confusion! 😃    

At last, I wanna make a few mentions;

  • Thank you Stackers News for being the only genuine platform on Earth!
  • Thank you @K00bb @ek and all devs who work religiously day and night to run and improve SN.

*Thank You @cryotosensei for bringin' me here.

  • Thank you @Undisciplined for #443515
  • Thank you @Atreus for #443592
  • Thank you @siggy47, (my favourite stacker) for zapping my posts and comments so profoundly. But most importantly, for being around with us. I learnt a lot from you and will keep learning I promise.
  • Thank you @grayruby for inspiring me to run sports pool.
  • Thank you @BitcoinAbhi, @Athena, @IamSINGLE for accepting my invitation to SN and creating engagement.
  • And Thank you 🙏 to everyone who ever reacted, zapped, read, commented, criticized, fought, punched me in the face and taught me something.
If you want to follow the topic and earn sats by participating in discussions, you can join me on Stackernews.com, a platform much similar to Publish0x.

Thanks for reading. 


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Coins Reporter
Coins Reporter Verified Member

Once a Bitcoiner and forever will be. Love to share my views even if they are unbelievable.


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