💰 Coins4Clicks 💰 | PTC, Surf, Offerwalls, Shortlinks & More!

By Coins4Clicks | Coins4Clicks | 28 Jan 2020

Link: https://coins4clicks.com
Referral Rewards: 20%
Gateway: ExpressCrypto, Direct Payments! Adding More!
TrustPilot Link: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/coins4clicks.com
Foxyrating Link: https://foxyrating.com/en/review-34945-coins4clicks
Started: 2019-07-21
Total Paid: Over 0.019 BTC Paid so far

We also have events happening every week! This week, we have boosted referral rewards. With 35% ref reward for the week! So come and join us now!

Get paid to view advertisements! As a member, you'll get paid for each click that you generate by browsing our sponsor's ads. We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant payment processing. Have a look inside and start earning now!

• DIRECT Payments - Get direct payments to your bitcoin wallet straight away!
• Guaranteed ADs daily - We got our specialized marketing staff to look for advertisers to advertise on the site on a daily basis.
• Highly trusted network, paying since 2019 - We have got payment proof paid to users in ExpressCrypto. (https://coins4clicks.com/payments/1).
• NO minimum withdrawal - Don't you all hate when sites put a minimum withdrawal so you can check their site out again? Not on ours!
• Instant payments via ExpressCrypto - Just 1 click, and enjoy the instant payment to ExpressCrypto!
• Earn more from offers and surveys - We have got multiple offerwalls on our site including AdscendMedia!
• Profitable and fun lottery game - Each lottery game lasts for 12 hours and more than 2000 satoshi are at stake, are you ready to get a proportion of it?
• Earn from home - This site is customized to be used on mobile or laptop, so enjoy using this anywhere!
• Multiply with our fair Hilo game!
• Earn Bitcoins by viewing advertisements.
• 100% Free, no investment required.
• Invite your friends and get 20% commission.
• Rated "Legitimate" by online review sites.
• Effortless income.

We offer competitively priced advertisement packages for your online campaigns. Paid member clicks are guaranteed and clicks from outside visitors are included in the price. Members can click your advertisement campaign once per 24 hours - outside clicks are included and free of charge.

• Enhanced management - Get access to detailed information about your site's status.
• Thousands of potential clients - We got users clicking for coins every day, they are very interested in Cryptocurrency projects!
• Geographic (country) filtering - Don't want certain countries to see your AD as they might be irrelevant? We got you covered!
• Your audience will view your whole ad - We have got a very accurate timing system to make sure that your site is fully loaded before the timer starts, so users can see your whole site.
• Anonymous advertising, no signup required - In a hurry? We got you covered!
• Fully operational anti-fraud & anti-cheat system - To prevent bot users from exploiting your lovely site, making sure every view to your site is quality, not quantity.
• All visitors are Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency users.
• Duration between 10 to 200 seconds.

We plan on adding, even more, features like web mining, we are very focused on making our users make the most out of our site while enjoying the clean and aesthetically pleasing designs of the website.
We are also experts at providing new business solutions in a win-win environment.

• Professional email support - If you require any assistance or simply any suggestions, just email [email protected] and the support will reply to your email ASAP!
• Instant services - We aim to provide a fast and instant service for all our users.
• High traffic - Lots of users registering every day.
• Innovative ideas.

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Hi all, I am a faucet owner. By all means, I own a faucet site called Coins4Clicks. We offers lots of benefits for both advertisers and users. For advertisers, they can target crypto users with super low prices, which starts at 8 satoshi per view.


This blog will be about my project, Coins4Clicks.com. With updates and news.

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.