You can now use your Coinmarketcap Diamond

Loyal CoinMarketCap users are given Diamonds for visiting our site — now, you can redeem them for different, new rewards.

Coinmarketcap recently added a new feature that plans to collect "Diamonds". It is a point loyalty program, not tokens or coins, which can be collected daily and in variable quantities. There are two ways to collect them: you need to have a registered profile on Coinmarketcap, log in and choose "My Diamonds" from the drop-down menu. The second method is to participate in Coinmarketcap-earn campaigns like this one. In the latter, the reward includes both the tokens in question and 50 Diamonds.



Who doesn't want something for free?

Here is the main motivation of the campaign, to retain those who use the site by giving something to reward them.

Until now it was only known that the Coinmarketcap diamonds had to be used to get rewards, but these had never been revealed all and, above all, the quantity had not been revealed to have them.

However, today Coinmarketcap has published some of the awards and their "price". With an increasing amount of diamonds to spend it will be possible to request:

  • 1x Enjin NFTs (100 Diamonds) 
  • 1x MOBOX NFTs (1500-21000)
  • 1x SafePal 10% discount (1000)


There are other rewards that have not yet been revealed and will arrive in the future. As for me, I'm waiting for the cost of the awesome blue sweatshirt with the logo to be revealed.


And what prize do you aspire to? Comment below and tell me what you would like to have.



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