LaborX freelancer Gigs

New Gig Feature Added To LaborX!

By Latitude Services | | 9 Sep 2020

The demand for freelancers is ever increasing...and now, LaborX, supports them to advertise their specialties.


For those who don’t know what LaborX is, let’s refresh. LaborX provides wide-ranging functionality based on Ethereum’s smart contracts.

The interface is similar to existing remote and on-demand employment platforms, with a user-friendly interface, social login, and profile pages detailing users’ qualifications and experience. Anyone can create a profile, post or apply for jobs, or browse freelancers and work opportunities.

However, unlike other platforms, LaborX allows customers and freelancers to formalise their agreements with a digital contract – including key milestones and part-payment for work along the way if required.

All payments are arranged in fiat-equivalent amounts but settled in cryptocurrencies for speed and efficiency, with funds escrowed to ensure payment takes place.


The new and shiny feature


Since their launch, it has been evident that there is a clear demand for more minimalist, off-the-peg services. Where freelancers offer defined, focused pieces of work, with a fixed price, customers can simply apply direct and save both time and effort negotiating details. It’s a highly efficient way of providing services, popularised by traditional platforms like Fiverr.

LaborX freelancer gig search

LaborX now offers exactly this functionality! Freelancers can create a task according to their skills, set the price, and let the customers browse the listings and contact them.


This will be a very welcome addition to LaborX, with the team looking forward to seeing their users create adverts and gain working opportunities.


Lightweight digital contracts


Because these gigs don’t require so many details to arrange, LaborX has been able to implement an updated, lightweight contract for them. The new contract only requires a signature from the customer after accepting the freelancer’s quotation. This is particularly welcome at a time when gas prices are at an all-time high, and risk eroding the value of smaller payments.


Fee changes

Additionally, there have been some changes to platform fees. LaborX charges 1% from the customer when a contract is signed, and 5% from the freelancer when funds are released. Which is far less than traditional freelancing platforms, thanks to its decentralised nature. 


For Premium Account holders, fees are waived completely: LaborX charges zero commission!


This is a great deal, allowing freelancers to earn more and customers to save money on every single job and as mentioned above, much welcome with the current high gas prices.


LaborX is actually listening


It is welcome that a platform develops with its’ growing users and clients in mind, rather than avoiding the experience we all crave for.  


To find out more and even advertise your services on the Gigs pages, you can find it on their website,

They are even encouraging users to let them know what they think of their new features!

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Latitude Services
Latitude Services

Latitude Services is an all encompassing blockchain services company that takes any project to the next level.

Founded back in 2016, has proven to be one of the success stories of the cryptocurrency boom. Early adopters of this technology, the team have spent their time developing a suite of blockchain-based solutions for the HR sector. Their products include, PaymentX, TimeX, LaborX and AUDT.

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