LaborX Binance Smart Chain

LaborX unleashes Gigs onto the Binance Smart Chain

By Latitude Services | | 27 Sep 2020

LaborX has just done something worthy of praise in the Blockchain Gig Space by making the option of selecting which chain you would like to create your smart contract.

LaborX now includes support for Binance Smart Chain (BSC)!

After the fluctuation of GAS fees on the Ethereum blockchain, LaborX saw fit to allow users and clients alike the option of selecting which chain they would like to create their contract on. This can be due to the cost of creating the contracts, or just simply due to personal preference. However, there is a clear distinction between the current costs involved when creating the said contract.

Furthermore, with the integration on the Binance Smart Chain, LaborX, allow the use of several tokens that are hosted on the Binance Network as a form of payment option. These include BNB, BUSD, BTC, ETH, USDT, and DAI, with even mentioning in their latest blog post that there will be more tokens added soon.

As part of the integration, LaborX has started with the choice between Ethereum or BSC within the Gigs module and with BSC being extended to the Jobs Module in due course. This will mean that the choice between which platform the contract is created, it will be available across the entire platform.


What is the Binance Smart Chain


Binance Smart Chain is a parallel chain to the main Binance blockchain. BSC offers smart contracts based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), meaning that smart contracts and dApps developed for Ethereum can easily be ported to BSC. The blockchain also includes a new staking mechanism for BNB.

In addition to offering a fast, EVM-compatible blockchain, transaction fees on BNC are as low as $0.01, making this the ideal platform to complement LaborX’s existing blockchain infrastructure.

The latest news is very well accepted due to the ability to create a more personal preference to the platform. While many others still only utilise one chain in which can be restrictive, LaborX, has certainly made the right move.

On their latest blog post with the release of this news, the team have left a major hint in their endeavour to make the freelancing experience decentralised!

“This multi-blockchain approach has clear strengths, and the intention is to integrate further blockchains (including Tron) in the future.”

Check out their Gigs available in this handy link: Gigs available on LaborX

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Latitude Services
Latitude Services

Latitude Services is an all encompassing blockchain services company that takes any project to the next level.

Founded back in 2016, has proven to be one of the success stories of the cryptocurrency boom. Early adopters of this technology, the team have spent their time developing a suite of blockchain-based solutions for the HR sector. Their products include, PaymentX, TimeX, LaborX and AUDT.

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