Coin Farm Aug 2, 2020 - How to play and withdraw the earnings into Payeer Account.

By ckphung | Childhood memories | 2 Aug 2020


At the shop you can buy different birds. Each bird lays special eggs, which can be sold at the market and exchanged for silver coins that are required for the real money withdrawal. Every type of birds has different productivity - the more expensive the bird is, the more eggs it lays. You can buy unlimited amount of birds. Our birds don't die and will always produce eggs!

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From your nests eggs are sent to the warehouse. Collect them and sell. You can do it once in 1 minute. Eggs are always stored in a safe place so you can collect them every minute or even once a month.


Here you can sell eggs and get silver coins which you can swap for real money. The silver coins got after processing are divided between two of your accounts (the account for buying and the account for withdrawal) in proportion: 70% to the account for buying and 30% to the account for withdrawal.

Sale rate of eggs: 100 eggs = 1 silver coin.



1. Buy BIRDS. They will lay eggs for you. Birds will never die and they will lay eggs for you forever.
2. Eggs will be stored at the warehouse. You need to collect them for silver coins.
3. EGGS Selling. you sell the collected eggs in the warehouse for the exchange of SILVER COINS.
4. Withdraw your silver coins for real money $$$. REAL TIME Withdrawal (less than a minute)..

Just give it a try and see for yourself if it is a SCAM?

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Oh my life

Childhood memories
Childhood memories

The day I came back to my hometown, I saw the pictures of children bringing small hands to catch the rain drops from the porch, I suddenly recalled my childhood days with so many memories with my friends. neighbors ... That day, we were all children of the same age, living in the same neighborhood and having been close since childhood. Every time the school year ends, when I see the dazzling sun and hear the cicadas in the wind, my friends and I jubilantly "plan" for the summer days.

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