Hello people !
Here I don't show you magic !
It's about a new state of matter, called, GaNS for "Gas into Nano of a Solid" state of matter.
The 4th state of matter "Plasma" goes to the 5th state of matter then GaNS goes to the 4th.
Solid, Liquide, Gas, GaNS, Plasma.
One plasma is one unit. It divides as the cells of biological bodies as it goes throught time.
Man can live thousands of years instead of few 80 years and live anywhere else in any universes at the same time, as the dreams, when it goes wrong you are back in your body as a dream, you can't tell and its not a dream.
Man shall not kill, shall not steal, shall not lie.
We can use Co2 as a GaNS, amino acids produced also.
It is more effecient than colloidal silver water or colloidal gold water.
We achieve CO2, CuO2, CH3, UO2, AuO2 ionico-colloidal waters.
Get yourself some 99% pure zink plates, copper wires and plates, salt, old 1,5 batteries, water, transparent plastic box, some naoh and koh or one of them in spray, spray some copper plates and wires in the box, let it settle closed, to the sunlight, then you have your copper nanocoating to make thoses devices.
Photos from my devices: