Make money with Slidejoy

Cent Money making Method #1: Slidejoy

By Jjpn47 | Cent Money Making Methods | 28 May 2020

Cent Money making Method #1: Slidejoy

Do you want to earn money by simply sliding your lock screen which we already do 80 times a day!

Then Slidejoy is the app for you!

Slidejoy an app that pays you to unlock your lock screen while displaying news and promotion. Just like this:

A Slidejoy news promotion

How much can you earn? I estimate it to be $2.56 a month or at least $0.02 per slide.

The app's official currency is called Karats and you can get 20 (that's about $0.02) of them once you downloaded the app.

Slidejoy Dashboard

Besides that you can choose to donate your money to charity to what they call “Hero mode” or normally cash out via PayPal.

I rate this app 4/5 because sometimes the promotions loads very long and takes me a long time to access my phone.

By the way I lost my Karats laat week and I have to start all over again so be cautious.

You can download it in this link:

Or this link.

Note that the link are affiliate which means I will get a commission if you sign up to one of the services mentiomentioned. 

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A blockchain enthusiast and an amateur science writer

Cent Money Making Methods
Cent Money Making Methods

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