John 5

By ccoutreach87 | ccoutreach87 | 4 Feb 2021


John 5:27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.


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John 5 Videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhkXDSZrJL09nUKU- 


.Get in the water
.Forget your ‘sponsor’ and get up yourself- Jesus said this- not Bill W 
.Victor Frankl- Loo Therapy [I think?]
.The 2 halfway houses
.The Timons encounter
.Cat scratch fever at the end [you gotta watch]

TEACHING [Past posts below]

 There’s a man sitting around a pool by the temple.
This pool has some reputation- John tells us that every so often an angel goes into the water- and stirs things up.
Whoever gets in during the stirring- gets healed.
Jesus sees this guy and says ‘what are you doing- laying here in bed your whole life- the water is right there man’?
The guy says ‘I have no man to put me in’.
You know- the classic welfare state.
Jesus says ‘get out of that bed- get up- walk’.
The guy takes the tough love message- and walks.
In the bible angels and human messengers are described by the same terms.
I mean Jesus himself is the ultimate messenger [sent one].
But often times we are waiting our whole life- for a move of God- and it might be a few feet away- but if we expect someone else to do the job [please carry me] then forget it- you’ll be sitting there another 38 years.
I also discuss the biblical principal of work- activity- or ‘walking’- meaning many of us can’t seem to get ahead in life- because we simply are lazy.
Proverbs talks about the ‘work hater’.
Paul told the church- if there are able bodied men hanging around the church/feeding ministries- then don’t feed them!
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2nd Thes. 3:10
It is no good for them to have all the excess God ordained energy- intended for work- then when these guys are just waiting for the free handout- what do they do with the energy?
Oh- shoot- steal- beat each other up- etc.
So- we do see tough love- Jesus told the guy ‘get up man- take up that bed- quit finding excuses your whole life- and yes- don’t be afraid of the water’.

PAST POSTS [Parts of my past teaching that relates- Verses below] Some sites see the rest here 

     John 5[radio # 588]- Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda. Scripture says an angel went down into this pool at a certain time and stirred the water, whoever got in after the water was

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