John 13

By ccoutreach87 | ccoutreach87 | 11 Mar 2021


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John 13:3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

John 13 Videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhxug6uxD7ynroWGB

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus

.Maximillian Kolbe
.Bag lady
.Should you be concerned?
.Did Jesus seal Judas fate?

TEACHING - [past posts- verses below]
Jesus sits with his men- for the proverbial ‘last meal’.
John’s account is unique- Jesus does not mention the institution of the Eucharist- Lords Supper.
‘Do this in remembrance of me’-
Yet- he adds the foot washing incident- none of the other gospels show this.
Now- Jesus is at the table- and yes- he does a strange thing.
Strange in the fact that he is the Lord and master- and even in Jesus parables he teaches that the Lord does not serve the servant- but the servant serves the Lord.
Yet here- once again- we see the dichotomy of the kingdom at work.
He takes off his outer clothes- and wraps himself with a towel- and begins to wash the disciple’s feet.
He comes to Peter-
Peter ‘not so Lord- never’.
Jesus ‘if I don’t wash you- you have no part with me’.
Peter ‘ok- then give me a bath’.
Jesus ‘he that is washed- only needs to wash his feet’.
In this world- yes- we get dirty.
There’s stuff that defiles us.
At those moments in life- you don’t ‘start all over’
No- you just receive the cleansing for that day.
It’s important to avoid the ‘all is lost’ mindset- when we have setbacks in life.
[I’ll link my addiction recovery teaching here- because I deal with that mindset in depth- ]
Now- we see another interesting thing.
Jesus pronounces that one at the meal will betray him.
I mean that statement can really shake up the group.
And the one who might be the most insecure- well- he really wants to know.
So- Peter says to John ‘ask him who it is’.
John asks- and Jesus makes another declarative statement ‘he to whom I give the bread- after I dip it- he’s the one’.
Notice Jesus did not simply describe what was going to happen- he SPOKE IT.
One WILL BETRAY ME- and it’s the one I GIVE THE BREAD TO.
It’s almost like Jesus is giving permission- he himself is opening the door for the dirty deed.
In this chapter satan puts it into the heart of Judas- to betray Jesus.
Yet- it is not until Jesus makes these declarative statements- that satan ‘enters Judas heart’.
I think Jesus had to give the permission- and he did it thru his own words.
He said no man could take his life- but he had to willingly give it up.
We also know Jesus could have called thousands of angels- if he wanted. [Some sites see here ]

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Retired firefighter- Teach and work with the homeless- see more here-


Bible teaching- Apologetics- Church history- Philosophy- Homeless outreach

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