You may soon be able to unlock your iPhone with your heartbeat

By LeftFooted | Cars & tech | 15 Aug 2024

Apple is apparently working on a new type of technology to replace password, Touch ID and Face ID.

In the future, you may be able to unlock your iPhone using your heartbeat.

It sounds like the start of a joke but it isn't, as the Cupertino giant has recently filed a patent that covers precisely this type of technology.

People are concerned about privacy, and rightly su, but the truth is users want everything 'better, faster, seamless', and both Face ID and Touch ID have issues.

With Face ID, you obviously have to be facing your phone to unlock it, and sometimes it still may not recognise you.

As for Touch ID, you can either set it up with every single finger, which takes time, or you can only use one finger, and even then your finger needs to be dry, otherwise Touch ID may not work.

With 'Heart ID', iPhone would detect your unique heartbeat and unlock your phone.

Apple has filed patents for it, so this means they're working on it, but it could be something we'll see with iPhone 16... or iPhone 26 in 10 years.

I wouldn't hold my breath.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on

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