R.I.P Diamond 2012 - 2024

crypto on fire

By can-amcitizen | can-am citizen | 7 Dec 2024

 Now for some great news to start for once, lol. All I can say is wow wow wow. Crypto has been on fire since the approach of election here in the U.S . I did not vote for him , but his support of crypto has shoot crypto flying. literally everyone of them are up. Just on the Kraken exchange in Nov. REN shoot from around 4 cents to  10 cents, SOL went from $155.00 to $ 264.00, ACH went from 1.5 cents to 3 cents reaching high in Dec to 4 cents,  ETH has gone from $2350 to $3700 reaching just over $4000 in Dec so far. A lot of altcoins, Defi and web3 coins have had the biggest gains any where from doubling to tripling in price which is simply amazing. I hope a lot of you have been able to cash in on those gains like I have . But certainly the most talked about coin is Bitcoin which , again this is on the Kraken exchange has gone from around $40,000 in Sept up to now just over $100,000 in Dec. This is by far the best crypto year for a lot of coins. Even the meme coins have seen incredible gains in Nov. Doge went from 14 cents to 48 cents, Shib from .000016 cents to just over .00003 cents, Pepe from .0000017 cents to .000025 cents, Floki doubled, ATOM has doubled. Solana meme coins have also done very well like Wen that has tripled, Popcat that has doubled. Now again all these can to found on Kraken exchange here in the U.S. Some of my financial newsletters have been saying that meme coins are the ones to be watching for the first quarter of the new year. Of course Bitcoin too. I think coins like SOL and ETH, AAVE,  MKR, XRP, and RENDR will also do well. I have done well with REN, ATOM, DOGE, SHIB, MKR, and finally XRP. But I did not sell all of them , only 25 % of my holdings because I believe they are all going to still go up even more even breaking some all time highs I believe. I kept all of my ATOM ones because I have them staked, and seeing the price double was just a bonus besides my 13. 35 % interest I get. Now I think the only thing left to happen that would absolutely send crypto soaring is for Amazon to start their own exchange on their website Amazon.com. Image that, Amazon ranging from products, teladoc visits, pharma, and finally buying, selling, and using crypto to buy product on amazon.com.  It would truly be the one-stop shop. Hope you read this Jeff Bezos, throwing you BIG HINT, lol. On a personal note, I know its been awhile seen I have writing anything. It is because my wife had some health issues ( dizziness, blurred vision along with her spots in her brain ) that needed looked after which still having problems getting answers for. And the time of year it is for her right now.  It was her birthday on Nov 18th, and thanksgiving( which her mom-which is passed away 2 years now, use to come and stay with her until after thanksgiving ). It is the first time in 12 years that she has not had her Diamond ( dog ) by her side for it. We both miss her a lot. Sorry , tearing up just thinking about how heartbroken my wife is right now dealing with all this loss and that there is nothing I can do to stop her pain. It has all combined to make her very sad and depressed right now. She is searching for a new dog now, but even the rescue dogs are so expensive. And the fact that she needs a hairless or coarse haired dog because of allergies does not help her .So please pray for my wife to find her peace, a new dog and a new good doctor. Ok enough with the sadness, and remember I am NOT a financial advisor and you should do your own research. May life bring you a smile, laughter and love. Bye for now.

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I am a 51 year man in a 20 year interracial relationship. So I have had my eyes opened for me with humanity. Nothing surprises me anymore.

can-am citizen
can-am citizen

writing about my interracial marriage, my A.D.D and life's challenges.

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