Image by ZT_OSCAR from Pixabay
Before buying big sum of crypto you should target your desired price value for selling it and set your mind to hold it until it hit that desired price value. After seeing many ups and downs finally I decide to invest my earnings that can be my living for next four years. It is risky but holding can help avoiding unexpected losses. With zero patience for holding crypto we should stay out of it. Because I know the regret, sufferings and losses for getting desperate to make profit in short time.
Last two years of trading taught me a lot of things and that's why I dare to invest my earning of last three years. High risk for big gain and I aim to gain crypto asset if possible. My earning of last three years will be use for holding for desired price value and this is the wise decision at the very beginning. Already bringing it for trading is risky and big asset will never allow me to take high risk. The hard earned money that took time and efforts will be use for crypto trading.
This time I'm serious about holding patience and will definitely wait for big pump and deep as much possible. There is a aim of gain and it can be mostly the crypto asset that I earned and decide to invest. Jumping into one coin to another is not always wise and profitable. The coin I'm going to invest will be on hold untill it hit the desired or target price value. Each trading action will take time and the gain will be separated each time it will allow me to gain some crypto coins.
The plan or strategy is crystal clear though I know myself how much impatient I'm but this time I want to be serious as much possible. If I'm unable to hold my asset, I'll definitely loss the asset value and that will be the punishment of my zero patience and I want to avoid repeating my previous mistakes that taught me lessons on crypto trading. Big asset can be valueless if you are unable to hold patience and take advantage of crypto market. Holding is the key to success here that's all I believe. You may agree with me if you are already in crypto market for years.
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