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What If Celebs Promote Cryptocurrency?


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Celebs works for money and they can promote cryptocurrency all over the world. Though cryptocurrency is still not approved in many countries yet and maybe that's the reason that our local and international celebs doesn’t promote cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency made celebs and you know those individuals are internationally famous as rich in this world.

Yes, you get me right I was talking about Elon Musk and Justin Sun and these two names are in my mind right now. If I never met crypto currency then I would never find them famous and celebs. But I was thinking about famous movie actors, cricketers, athletes and many more famous individuals all over the world if they promote cryptocurrency!

Desperately waiting for that era when cryptocurrency will be approved as international currency and there will be no hassle on exchanging one currency to another when travelling abroad. This is possible and this can be the future of our favorite crypto. Bitcoin accepted business and industry already can be found in many countries but this is limited and not yet expand widely.

This morning when I was reading a news on celebrities this concept came to my mind. Cryptocurrency is powerful enough to make individuals rich and famous but a big investment can make it possible. As I mentioned two names above, they are famous for me and for many for their involvement in crypto industry. Maybe there are many more names you know but I just mentioned two as they are mostly talk of the town.

Anyway, let's have a look to the current crypto market status. Bitcoin is constantly hitting price value $100k when Altcoins are not moving as expected. Solana seems moving slowly and hive is performing too good if I compare it to other cryptos. Altcoins can pump and dump suddenly so either it will be above our expectations or it will be below our expectations. Personally I believe, When Bitcoin price is high that means crypto market is green and healthy.

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