Waiting For Altcoins All Time High Price

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Image by Sergei Tokmakov, from Pixabay




Is this possible? Everything seems possible with crypto but the current price of few Altcoins are far away from the all time high price of those and that happened in 2018 when I was away from the crypto world. When came back it was the end of 2020 and price value was more than double from the current price value. As a altcoin investor this is natural that we have some expectations from it and I also have some expectations too.

For example, steem all time high price was around $8 dollar and the current price of it is $0.26 dollar, likewise hive all time high price was $4 dollar but the current price of it is $0.50 dollar. Bitcoin cash all time high price was $3k dollars and current price is $462 dollars. These coins are far away from the all time high price value. As a steem earner I'm expecting to see such big pump that can change my story of personal finance.

If my altcoins hit the all time high price value then I can ensure my financial freedom for lifetime and can think about buying my own house and also can plan my dream business too. Sometimes it feels like money can solve all the problems in our life though right use of money is more important to make it more valuable and long lasting. The crypto I brought into my binance wallet is for trading and I set buying and selling orders constantly so there is no chance to hit the big profit.

Earning crypto is the real power and holding it too. Holding crypto for big pump is the best thing but not everyone can afford it. My aim was constant trading to make profit but market made me waiting one more time. If my crypto coins hit the price I've set as selling order then the profit will be limited but the good side of it will be that I'll be able to buy once again when the price will dump once again. This process can be profitable if market cooperate but expecting this from market is not wise.

Small gain but regular gain was my target. Plans sometimes doesn’t work so we need to wait for the right time when plans can be executed. Bitcoin already hit it’s all time high price last year but most of the Altcoins are far away from the all time high price value of them.

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