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Personal Crypto Trading Info And Market Observation

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Image by Eivind Pedersen from Pixabay

Crypto coin switching done but with zero profit. Last one month waiting wasted just because I sold crypto unwisely and when the surprise pump happened for my coin then I was impatiently unlucky. Altcoins performing good now and getting back to the normal price value but my bad luck I couldn’t wait and my asset reduction is constantly happening.

My personal crypto trading experience is worse even when market is green. Bitcoin hit $90k plus worth value and that was so impressive. I knew bitcoin will hit the number and now I'm expecting to see it hitting the price value $100k and that will be the all time high price for bitcoin till now. Hive performance was great but my bad luck didn’t allow me to make profit from it.

Last night I bought steem and I switched coin hive to steem. Maybe this was not wise because hive price value and supply is better than steem. But steem has potential too and I've no plan for regular trading so steem can be a good coin for me. The one thing is confirmed that, if I can't wait for something big, I never can be a gainer in this field.

At the end I'll have regrets only. My current crypto trading experience giving me heavy regret that needs time to be forgotten. Sharing all this because I don't want you people do the same mistake. Actually crypto trading is not for emotional fools like me. The waiting could be end with a big gain but sometimes we are helpless to fight with the bad time and bad luck.

If my unwise acts constantly reduce my asset value then I would prefer leaving crypto trading forever because losing money hurts especially when you invest your hard earned money to it. Next year I was planning to invest big and that is my earning but now I need to rethink before taking the risk or step. People invest their extra money here not hard earned money and that is definitely wise.

Crypto market showing bull market sign and this was predictable by expert observers. Making profit in this season will be a big blessing. Buying again deep may not possible this soon. Let's see what crypto is cooking for us. The green days may bring back huge blessings for crypto investors and long time crypto holders. Unfortunately I'm none of them yet but I may take another chance or risk for a gain. Even I'm not sure about my next move.

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