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No Big Change In Crypto Market In Last 24 Hours


Image by Sulayman Sanyang from Pixabay


This morning when I was observing bitcoin and my favorite listed altcoins, I found no big or noticeable change. The current crypto market is down and it is offering investors chance for buying more. Personally, I regret on such situations and keep observing. My prediction was positive and I thought very soon bitcoin will hit $60k once again and Altcoins will improve but the price is still perfect for buying more crypto.

This is not a financial advice but buying cryptos right now will don't cause regret and this is my personal perspective and faith to crypto. Few Altcoins in my fav list dump horribly and cause asset value fall down. Whoever already bought, can wait for the next pump like me. This is your asset so choice will be always yours but I don't want you to do the same mistake I usually made and that cause loss or time waste.

This is more than two weeks when I bought my desired Altcoin, the waiting period not yet end even I experience an unexpected price fall that reduced my crypto asset value over a night. As over a night my asset value fall down so someday I can expect that my asset value will increase too but the time it will take that might be longer and the gain would be not as much expected.

Well timing is most important and it can decide the real loss and profit. For example I'm holding my coins for more than a month for only $5 dollars of profit, then do you really count it as the profit? A month already gone and you made only $5 from your investment. Personally I can't count this as a gain and for me this is just a time waste. So before buying crypto we should wait, if you get desperate than your gain would feel like a time waste. As I'm feeling right now.

Whatever, market observation is the task I'm doing at this moment. I still appreciate holding crypto because it's worth waiting when your gain will be more than $500 in a month or $5000 in a year at least but this kind of gain require big investment too. Don’t you agree with me?

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