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Let Me Recover My Crypto Asset Portfolio Once


Image by u_6af2f287zu from Pixabay



Every time we look for a new opportunity to explore. And I'm not alter to it. If once I get back my crypto asset portfolio back, I'll think about the boss coin and most trustworthy crypto coin and you know it is bitcoin. Suddenly made the decision not like that but the decision should be executed at the beginning of big asset trading. If market making me sitting idle then why not I sit idle for a coin that worth my time and trust both.

Altcoins I'm holding are also trustworthy crypto coins but it doesn’t follow the leading coin of crypto market. Last one year performance of bitcoin made me convinced that I should buy it instead splitting my money on multiple crypto coins. Buying multiple crypto coins can be wise as coins perform different and investors can get option for trading at least one from the multiple crypto coins. But it is different about my case as I'm getting desperate to see my crypto portfolio increasing especially when it is decreasing constantly.

Many of you know that I had plan for crypto asset building but when I was making profit I compromised my crypto asset so I trade crypto desperately, unplanned and randomly once again, as a result sitting idle and regretting seeing asset value reduction. Though waiting can bring back my days but the gain ratio compared to the time will be not enough satisfying to me.

So investing on a big and trustworthy crypto coin is the wise decision as bitcoin doesn’t performing like it was in bear market but many Altcoins I personally love performing worse than bear market time. This is personal decision and it will definitely take time. Buying bitcoin is the best but I can take Ethereum as my second choice if I think about any second coin for buying. These coins worth buying and holding too.

Time for having some change and bitcoin is always my most favourite and dream coin in crypto market. Time for thinking about it though I can't afford buying a bitcoin but I can afford buying sats and would like to start with that. This is my crypto next move plan not a financial advice to others. This is absolutely personal and thinking this way because my coins are not performing as planned or expected at the beginning of this month. Desperately waiting for a big pump of my coins. May the day come back soon.

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