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Crypto To Investors : Invest And Wait For The Magic


Image by Ilya Deryabin from Pixabay


That magic happened to many and once I experienced that too. If you can't wait for it, you don't deserve the magic happen. Once I made $150 dollars of profit in a day from my crypto investment or trading and the sum is good enough for my one month's expenses or bills I pay in a month. The magic can be experienced once again if I'm buying at this down market. This is down but maybe not the deepest. Some Altcoins dump is really very frustrating but time will fix everything.

Sounds whoever waiting to see bitcoin price below $50k, is going to buy deep and the crypto will definitely do magic for then on bull season. For me this is really very hard to hold crypto coins in my wallet because I'm addicted to crypto trading. This addiction sometimes bring surprise gain or shocking loss but I call this risk taking. If I had control over my desperate attitude, I could experience the magic thousands of times and can be billionaire too. Not a joke, it is possible for wise crypto buyers and sellers.

Yesterday I bought Solana again though I made a small profit from the 50% investment of my stable coin. Later I invested my 100% and now market is deepest. Nothing to get panic because crypto made me confident that more or less I'll be able to make profit from this investment. It can cause waiting a bit long but it has power to do the magic for investors. Optimism doing good though the sudden dump of Ethereum was unexpected. I thought optimism will follow the lead of Ethereum but it didn’t.

After continuous trading optimism I accumulated around $50 worth optimism. Doesn’t sounds big, right? I know it is not the big but it was the result of my savings in funding wallet after several optimism trading. I'm trying four different Altcoins and I'm expecting from only one coin and that is Solana. I've invested around my 80% money to buy this crypto asset and I'm expecting continuous profit to improve my personal finance and reinvest if possible.

Bitcoin still a dream to me to buy but big profit gainer will definitely buy bitcoin when it is down and can do the real magic on bull market season. Buying Solana was a right decision and I don't regret even when it is dumping unexpectedly this morning. If today it will show green candle then I can take an action on crypto trading but no problem if I need to wait for than 24 hours or maybe 72 hours. For me long time waiting is, waiting for a week or month but still big investors can wait for years to make sure that they will experience big profit from their investment and that's the magic of crypto that I can't afford right now!

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