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Crypto Finance Discussion : Last Day Of Month


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Time to say goodbye October and welcome November. Crypto prediction of experts goes wrong though they predicted about both October and November so the prediction goes partially wrong not yet completely wrong. Actually when bitcoin performance giving us hint of bull market there smartly and Altcoins performance showing us something different result. Few Altcoin price is lower than the price it had on bear market.

Only bitcoin is following the prediction of crypto experts but Altcoins are the reason behind down crypto market. This is the last day of October and I earned almost nothing in this month but my August crypto finance was better than this. My personal finance experience in this October is not good and far away from my expectations. This is now a month when I bought my crypto coin at high and waiting for a month long.

Actually crypto market keep offering to trade crypto and investors took advantage of market smartly for sure but I couldn’t afford taking risk especially when I'm fail to recover my previous losses. The loss of 2023 not yet recovered and here 2025 is closer. I thought I could recover my loss in scam in 2024 or this year but I couldn’t afford trading smartly and bravely. As a result I only recovered half of my loss even lesser than that.

Honestly, I'm not overwhelmed about November crypto market or crypto finance. I'm still holding and will hold until the price goes above my buying price. Every time I aim to buy crypto wisely but I get desperate and buy high, the result of it you can see, long time waiting for next crypto pump. We should buy reputed crypto coins in the market like bitcoin because it worth buying and holding for the right time. The most important thing for trading is big investment for bigger gain. Hope November will improve my crypto finance.

Thanks For Stopping By!!


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