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Crypto Buying Time, Go Grab Some


Image by Monoar Rahman Rony from Pixabay


Once again market is showing red candle and this time you can think about buying both bitcoin and Altcoins. Altcoins that already have potential and already showed great performance at the beginning of this year. Hive buying can be a good decision. If I talk about my personal crypto trading then count me as a holder and can't buy when market is offering investors for buying crypto.

Either buy now and hold or wait for deepest dump though it look like deepest dump. Do not follow my suggestion or advice because I'm a blind and do not research before buying and selling crypto coins. It means I'm not an expert on crypto trading so better you follow someone expert in this field. Right now I'm waiting for my time as market giving me shock though it was predictable to me. This is not something new and I'm used to it.

Bitcoin price looks like ready to go below $90k because last time when I enter the market it was at $91k plus worth price value. There are always two possibilities, either pump or dump and smart crypto investors always ready for buying on this dump. Count me one of the dumb who doesn’t save for buying crypto smartly. This opportunity is not for me as I can't wait for it. If my coins dump like it dump in bear market then it will definitely give me a big shock.

Let's think positive. Very soon crypto coins will surprise us with big pump and crypto trading will be more fun when all losses in the past will be recovered. Actually I was expecting to see crypto to the moon this year possibly hit the all time high record like bitcoin hit last month the all time high record or milestone. We can't compare anything with bitcoin but altcoins really worth buying and trading. I'm expecting my next sell soon.

As usual this buying crypto time is not for me but definitely for many investors out there. I wish them success when they will make big amount of profit from their investment. For me this is time investing phase and my waiting can be fruitful when my coins will pump. I love crypto and can't stop expecting big from it. Good luck to all of us.

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