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BTC hit 75k, Crypto Market Looks Green


Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay


Happy morning! It looks like November prediction from experts can be real. The current green sign of crypto market saying so! Gradually Altcoin price is going back to normal but not yet normal to me. Over excitement made me force to sell ETH when the price of it was $2.5k but the price crossed $2.6 and more. Bitcoin hit $75k which is the highest pump this year and bitcoiners definitely having a heart fill with joy and hope. Honestly, my heart is also filled with joy even when I've no bitcoin in my wallet.

The crypto asset holding may bring huge joy and blessings in our life. The bitcoin price pump grabbed my all attention but my Altcoin also a reason of entering my crypto wallet. Recently my asset value were reduced to $100 dollars though total asset value loss is $400 dollars according to previous trading records. I need to wait for altcoin price pump and it is not even closer to my buying price of it. No problem, market is getting green and there is a potential to make profit from crypto holding for more than a month.

Maybe I'm getting over excited that I shouldn’t be! Crypto market is unpredictable and can change like weather. My inner voice saying to wait a little more and don’t take decision in over excitement. Now I'm expecting more from bitcoin and I'll wait for the moment when it will hit $80k soon. Last few weeks I was expecting a pump but it will be more than $73k didn’t think this far. Now I can enter my crypto wallet to see my asset value getting back to normal, but how long time it will take to help me to be a gainer, not sure about it yet!

The price pump of bitcoin simply made my day. I wish my altcoins also hit my desired price too. If something negative going to happen, my waiting period could be longer as I often mentioned in my previous blogs. Today's crypto market brought some positive vibes in the air and this may encourage investors to invest on crypto when it will show red candles once again. For now enjoy the green candles and take advantage of this current state of market if possible.

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