Image by ZT_OSCAR from Pixabay
Relax! This is normal to me now though I try to stop myself entering crypto wallet to see the asset value reduction when coin price fall down. Already a month gone and as I mentioned in my immediate last blog that the waiting period could be longer so better I stay relax by staying away from crypto wallet in my phone. The price of my coin was good enough even when it was inflation world wide. Suddenly what happen to Altcoins, I really don't have any idea. Is this the down before a long jump? This type of question is buzzing in my mind.
As we all know crypto can be surprising and mysterious too so we can experience something big that we can't even imagined or expected. But at the same time, something shocking can be happen too. We should think both positive and negative and this help us to welcome any kind of major change comes in crypto market. We should be prepare for both good time and bad time. Good time can be useful for us because we can save money for future needs or finance without any kind of obstacle. In bad time we can use our savings that we can hold crypto for the right time.
Bitcoin price is still above $65k but Altcoins are looks like going through serious financial crisis. Maybe investors preferring bitcoin for investment and Altcoins may need more investors. This is just my personal thinking not any kind of news in the air. A lots of things can come to our mind when crypto market is down and showing red candle. But ask yourself, is this something new?
This kind of dump can be found in history of crypto and how can we forget that good time of crypto? If you were not witness of it, then read the history. Personally I'm a witness of crypto market movement for last 2-3 years and I saw the constant crypto dump and pump so it make me optimistic more than make me frustrated. Need of money and probable financial crisis force us to think negative and we loss. We blame luck though holding could help us making profit.
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