Ethereum 2.0 is coming – Here’s what you NEED to know

By boxmining | Boxmining | 27 May 2020


Ethereum 2.0 (“Serenity”) is an upgrade to the Ethereum Network which increases scalability, stability, and even brings economic changes. Ethereum 2.0 will involve sharding to drastically increase network bandwidth and reduce gas costs, making it cheaper to send Ethereum, tokens, and interact with smart contracts. There will be fundamental economic changes too, Ethereum 2.0 will allow supports to staking nodes and earn Ethereum as passive income. With Phase 0 close to deployment, we're finally seeing products being delivered. 0:00 Intro 2:02 Economic changes in ETH 2.0 4:11 Ethereum Validators 6:05 Phase 0: Beacon Chain 7:27 Phase 1: Sharding 9:42 Phase 2: Combining everything 11:13 Conclusion & Realistic Roadmap


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