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Banano Faucet Review

By johnmalkovich | Blockchain marketing | 16 Jun 2021

What's Banano?

Banano is a decentralized meme network. Fast, fee-less and secure. It is being distributed by the devs fairly, with contests and giveaways.

What's a Faucet?

A faucet is a great way of testing a crypto network like Banano, you give your address and the faucet will send you some real amount, usually some fraction of a coin. The first faucet was created by Gavin Andresen and gave 5 BTC per captcha solved. Community users can send the faucet address some coins to keep the faucet working if it depletes.

It's a great way to start and to promote a network, in this case the Banano Faucet has a unique way of working via Reddit bot you can message (DM) and send the request once a week to get 10 BANANO at once, max per week. 

How does the Banano Faucet work?

You need a Reddit account validated with email address and at least 400 comment karma.

Here is the URL for the Banano Faucet:

Banano Faucet


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