We often read about cloud computing. Let's try to better understand this part of the IoT, and how it facilitates companies.
Cloud computing is nothing more than the ability to use an application remotely. The most striking example was given to me by an acquaintance of mine who works in the field of doors and windows: to be able to order interior doors from a renowned company, you connect via the browser in a reserved area of the company and, thanks to an application the desired door is "built" according to the line, model, finishes and to conclude the measurements.
With cloud computing, not only can applications prepared by certain companies be used, but it can also be exploited for storing corporate data.
In this way, here is one of the advantages of using cloud computing: the provision of machines for running applications undergoes a major downsizing.
Even the presence of mass memories with a multitude of HD (now SSD) and ride cards for data redundancy will be "only" the prerogative of companies offering cloud-based storage.
A certain boost, cloud computing, has received it due to the continuing pandemic of covid 19: thanks to cloud-based software such as Zoom, GoToMeeting and Webex, a range of audio and video services have been made available that allow people to continue to carry out their work without major difficulties and above all in a team.
Cloud computing as the backbone of the corporate world
Cloud computing is gaining ground at the corporate level as data is becoming more and more crucial at the corporate level. A streamlined and precise management of these resources entails considerable business economic advantages: a single contact person to whom to delegate the hardware management of the machines, direct access to data and, through specific applications, already processed in order to be able to deliver them to analysts perfect business dynamics.
All this translates into a great business economic advantage!
Within the Cloud computing there are two broad categories of services: BAAS that is Backup As A Service and SAAS which is Software As A Service.
BAAS is nothing more than the stowage of company data remotely and the periodic Backup of the same in order not to have "holes" in the management of archives.
The SAAS, on the other hand, is a software house service that offers the cloud computing service manager to automate certain business processes that can be used remotely (the example I gave you at the beginning of the article)
As it is easy to understand, the advantages of cloud computing are at an economic level for companies, as an entire business section is decentralized; in this transfer, however, we expose ourselves to what are cyber-attacks. A price to pay to deal with this possibility, Cloud Computing Security comes to our aid.
In fact, whenever the company interfaces with the provider of the services offered, whether BAAS or SAAS is indifferent, security must be as absolute as possible; all always in relation to the sensitivity of the data processed.
In this regard, cloud computing is divided into three sections
- Public cloud (decentralized)
- Private Cloud (centralized)
- Hybrid cloud (decentralized / centralized)
As the title suggests, the public cloud is accessible to everyone and everyone can draw on a multitude of business data for various studies.
Obviously all these data, being accessible to practically the whole business world, must be properly screened and above all not sensitive.
The private cloud is purely dedicated to the stowage of particularly sensitive company data (those that could be the financial data of some suppliers) and that require appropriate confidentiality also in function of the fact that sensitive data is of no use to anyone for business development studies. .
The last type, namely the hybrid cloud, involves the first two types in a certain synergy. In practice, certain classes of data are stored in public clouds (non-sensitive data) while the remaining (sensitive) data will be stored in private clouds.
This of cloud computing is a very important business aspect as it makes the IoT effect that is developing more and more tangible.
Objectively, cloud computing has existed for many years, just think of the payment interfaces that are used for online purchases, from credit cards to various paypal-type providers; in this regard, I think I am dealing with a topic that is increasingly involving various companies: the payment of services through Crypto.
See you next time!
Ah, as usual I expect your comments !!!