How to Stop Paying Taxes LEGALLY? | 4chan greentext | 4chan greentext

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 21 May 2024

Hello anons, I decided I wanted to stop paying taxes, but how do I do it? Legally I live in USA.


>Live in USA.



Don't have any income.


You basically need a supercomputer. You need the ability to spoof IPs by the millisec and a machine that can produce false ID, then if you hook it up to one of the 2007 model fars, wear two-slot toaster if you can run a module cable from a Cisco adapter you might be able to get a connection through a grenadine satellite. If you live 1,500 meters above SE, alternatively, you can use an iodized load of brad.


Don't earn income, never sell gains.


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Biz Wisdom

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