Any prior military anons know how best to profit from the VA? I hear claiming tinnitus is an immediate 10% of your pay the rest of your life. . Important question: are you white? . You should marry the first girl you meet after basic training, then buy a car for 40% APR. After that you want to immediately get divorced by your wife and wreck your car in a drunk driving accident. . Tinnitus is very easy to disprove. . If you're a maintainer or anything that's not a desk job, say you hurt your back. . That's now how it works. Disability comp is on a separate scale from what your pay rate was. . You want to look past just the money and see what the ancillary benefits are for each percentage rating. For example at 70% or near it, not exactly sure, you get ... [WATCH FULL VIDEO]:
How Can Veterans Profit Off the VA? | 4chan greentext
By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 28 May 2024
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